Monday, April 18, 2011

let's see how this goes

well... life has been a bit crazy lately! I am now learning to be a parent to a 4 week old and a 2 year old. I am also trying to get use to not working. I know I haven't been working for quit some time now but for the first 6 months it seemed more like a vacation. Now I am truly the "house wife" and I have to clean and cook and do laundry and raise the kids and teach them things. It is over whelming haha

It just seems like things keep happening around me right after each other. If it's not my mom losing her job, or my sis in law being put on bed rest while pregnant, or my uncle passing away, my step dad getting hurt, my great friend having her son really early (check out her blog and be praying for baby pierce or just me feeling down (baby blues i think) it just never seems to end. Why can't everyone just be in good health and happy and live life? Why must there be so many trials? I sometimes wish life could be as simple as it was when I was a child. but then i remember that i was just left in the dark as a child... life still had the same struggles and trials.. it was just kept from me... :/ which is better?

Well it is time for me to try and get some sleep before my 4 week old wakes to eat! I am awake way more than i am use to lately!!! oh the joys of being a mother! :)

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